Ways to helpOption #1
The best-case scenario for us would be if you heard about our music or one of the projects and were inspired to give directly to the associated charity. Of course, we would love it if you listen to and enjoyed our music through whatever streaming service you already use too. Option #2 If you are the kind of person who likes to own their music, you can buy a copy by download or CD, (when available), and we will give 100% of that sale to the supported charity. Option #3 This isn't your kind of music, these aren't causes that speak to you, no problem, please pick something that does speak to you and your life in some way and give something, time, or even a tiny amount of money. Our take is the world needs all of us to participate in our collective well being. We do not officially represent, nor speak for any of the charities on this site. We are just trying to raise awareness and a bit of money for their cause in a musical way. Whats with the different names?At first we thought having a different name for every project was clever. Now we realize that it just confuses people. So for now whatever music style we attempt going forward is just going to be under the family name, as bland as the Irish food we grew up on.
The early daysWill and I grew up in a time and place where there was a garage band or jam session of abused cover tunes and aimless originals 10 to the square mile. Ours was that garage on our street. We eventually landed gigs at parties, weddings and clubs as hired guns in other bands or various incarnations of our own ridiculously named throw together. We did manage to play some big shows, got on local radio a couple times but that door never fully opened for us. These projects are just how we scratch that itch with the life and time we have.
How the charity projects began
Many years ago a good friend of mine with a special needs child was visiting a Cincinnati hospital. When he came back he told me about a guy who played guitar and sang for the kids in the common areas of the children’s wing and for individuals in their rooms.
I was inspired but my subconscious resolve to remain "distracted" translation indifferent, was strong. I didn’t set anything in motion for a couple of years until God told me to do this. Well, I didn’t actually hear his voice, because I was in my car listening to the Ramones beyond the threshold of pain at the time. Rather, appearing in the sky, or . . . just my mind’s eye, I saw a giant spreadsheet, but not Excel because I’m certain God doesn’t use Microsoft products. I can’t remember the actual numbers now because he didn’t give me a soft copy but it went something like this.......
I was inspired but my subconscious resolve to remain "distracted" translation indifferent, was strong. I didn’t set anything in motion for a couple of years until God told me to do this. Well, I didn’t actually hear his voice, because I was in my car listening to the Ramones beyond the threshold of pain at the time. Rather, appearing in the sky, or . . . just my mind’s eye, I saw a giant spreadsheet, but not Excel because I’m certain God doesn’t use Microsoft products. I can’t remember the actual numbers now because he didn’t give me a soft copy but it went something like this.......
- How many people can play a guitar well enough for simple kids songs. The number was something really high, in the millions.
- How many of those who can play, live within 30 minutes of my local children’s hospital? I think it was twenty one thousand.
- How many of those who can play, and live near by, have a job flexible enough to volunteer time? Maybe it was seven thousand.
- How many of those who can play, live close, have a flexible job and are cognizant of the human condition around them? Now down to just fourteen hundred.
- How many of those who meet all those previous requirements have seen some form of this spreadsheet? Now down to just 28. I think he has a thing about numbers divisible by 7.
- How many of them will chose to do something? No number this time, just a question mark.
After that inspiring mathematical vision of guilt I took the necessary steps to begin volunteering at a local children’s hospital playing silly songs for the patients and their families This simple tiny gesture was at most a welcome distraction for them but life changing for me. In truth, Will and I are going to make some kind of music out of habit, for therapy or boredom regardless of any wishful recognition so why not use it to host a bigger conversation. We do hope you enjoy or find your own bigger conversation.
Thorne Brothers | Heavy Lift © 2024
Green Room Janitors | Tombstone Barney © 2021 Turf Fire Liars | Long Memories Short Fuses © 2021 Jake T & The Jamboree | Kitchy Classics © 2015 BLU99 | Worship Him © 2001 |