Words and Music by John Barnett ©1989 Mercy/Vineyard Publishing (ASCAP) Let Your house be filled with Your glory, Lord, Let Your house be filled with Your praises, Lord, Let the redeemed of the Lord give You glory, Let the redeemed of the Lord sing Your praises, Let the redeemed of the Lord fall and worship You evermore. HE’S GONNA REIGN FOREVER
Written by Joel Weldon Hendrickson and Steve Mills ©1992 Little Peach Music (BMI) www.littlepeach.com Everyone with ears to hear, We will shout it loud and clear, Leaders rise and leaders fall, (But) Jesus is the Lord of all! Of His kingdom there's no end, Let our voices ring, We will shout it for all men, He is the King of Kings. Though this world could end today, In His kingdom we're gonna stay, He is far above all things, With His glory Heaven sings. He will reign! He's gonna reign! One day He will split the skies, Fire and mercy in His eyes, Every child He calls His own Will humbly kneel before His throne. POUR OUT YOUR SPIRIT, LORD
Written by Tom Lane ©The BridgeWorx/WorshipTogether.com Songs Pour out Your Spirit, Lord, On Your people, Let it rain, let it rain. Pour out Your mercy, Lord, On Your people, Let it rain, let it rain. Turn the hearts of fathers to their children, And every nation to the God of love and holiness. Let the fire of Your Spirit burn. YOUR WORD
Written by Ron Smith and Jake Thorne ©2001 Little Peach Music (BMI) www.littlepeach.com Looking back over my life I see Your hand of love and mercy guiding me. Sometimes I wasn't sure which way I should go, But I just kept on walking 'til You let me know. Your Word is a lamp that brings me light, To lead me through the darkest night. Your Word is the voice I need to hear, It quiets every fear. Life isn’t easy, You said that it wouldn’t be, You also said that You would always help me. Your Word gives me courage to face each day, To handle whatever comes my way. Your Word will always help me find The strength I need to climb. There is salvation in Your Word, Healing in Your Word, There is deliverance in Your Word, Joy in Your Word. WORSHIP HIM
Written by Ron Smith and Jake Thorne ©2001 Little Peach Music (BMI) www.littlepeach.com Let's lift our voices together And praise the King who reigns forever. Worship Him! He is the God of all creation, He is the Rock of our salvation. Worship Him! Oh glorify Him, magnify Him, Oh bless His name. Praise Him! Lift your voice and rejoice, For He is worthy to be praised. GREAT IS THY FAITHFULNESS
Public Domain Great is Thy faithfulness, O God my Father, There is no shadow of turning with Thee; Thou changest not, Thy compassions, they fail not As Thou hast been Thou forever wilt be. Great is Thy faithfulness, Lord, unto me Morning by morning new mercies I see; Summer and winter, and springtime and harvest, Sun, moon and stars in their courses above, Join with all nature in manifold witness To Thy great faithfulness, mercy and love. Great is Thy faithfulness, Lord, unto me Morning by morning new mercies I see; All I have needed you provided me Great is Thy faithfulness, Lord, unto me |
Written by Joel Weldon Hendrickson and Steve Mills Sernaél ©1992 Little Peach Music (BMI) www.littlepeach.com Everyone with ears to hear We will shout it loud and clear Leaders rise and leaders fall (But) Jesus is the Lord of all! Of His kingdom there's no end, Let our voices ring, We will shout it for all men, He is the King of Kings. Though this world could end today, In His kingdom we’re gonna stay, He is far above all things, With His glory Heaven sings. He will reign! He’s gonna reign! One day He will split the skies, Fire and mercy in His eyes, Every child He calls His own Will humbly kneel before His throne. Let it rain, let it rain Pour out Your mercy On Your people, let it rain. Turn the hearts of fathers And every nation to their children. OH MAGNIFY THE LORD
Written by Ron Smith and Jake Thorne ©2001 Little Peach Music (BMI) www.littlepeach.com Oh Magnify the Lord, Yes, glorify His name. Oh Magnify the Lord, He will forever reign. He sits high and He looks low, From His throne. When He speaks, it is so, For He is known for His goodness, love, and mercy. HOW CAN I HOLD BACK MY PRAISE?
Written by Steve Mills © Steve Mills Music How can I hold back my praise When I know angels say, "Glory to God in the Highest"? How can I hold back my heart, Never give more than part, When You have shown me Your mercy? For if I keep quiet, The stones will cry out Your name, The rivers and mountains Will sing of Your mighty ways. Lord, You alone are most high, And I don't see how I can hold back my praise. Lead Vocal/Piano: Ron Smith Drums/Percussion/Additional Guitar: Jake Thorne Guitar: Jake Schaefer Bass: Brian Carter Clavinette: Ken Hughes Organ: Scott MacGill Harmonica: Norton Buffalo The BLU99 Choir and Horns LET YOUR GLORY BE REVEALED
Written by Tom Lane © BridgeWorx/Worship Publishing Let Your glory be revealed, Let Your glory be revealed, On ev'ry mountain, ev'ry field, Let Your glory be revealed. Jesus, Son of God, Wave Your mighty shepherd's rod. We lay down before the King, With one voice we sing: To this generation, Show Your salvation, Show Yourself strong To all of creation. YES, HE IS
Written by Steve Mills ©1999 Steve Mills Music Lord of all creation, In the Father's plan, Coming down from heaven, Took the form of man. He became a servant, Faithful to God's call, Suffering and dying To redeem us all. Every heart will know, Jesus is the Savior, He alone is Lord. He is my Savior, And my Deliverer, He is my Healer. O COME ALL YE FAITHFUL
Public Domain O come, all ye faithful, joyful and triumphant O come ye, o come ye to Bethlehem O come and behold Him, born the King of Angels O come, let us adore Him O come, let us adore Him O come, let us adore Him Christ the Lord O come, all ye faithful O come, all ye faithful O come, all ye faithful to Bethlehem O come, all ye faithful O come, all ye faithful O come, all ye faithful to Bethlehem |
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